Friday, June 25, 2010

The BIG 50

Anthony's stepfather, Jim, turned the big 50 this year and we had a surprise party for him. After a long night of eating and just plain having fun here are the pictures! Jim was surprised can you tell!

Crazy Times!

Life has been a little interesting lately so here goes....

I had been feeling pretty yucky and thought wow what a great time to get sick. Summer right at our heels and I was feeling really bad! I took a couple home pregnancy tests and they all came back negative. Surprise surprise after a month of misery I found out that I am pregnant! I took beautiful pictures of the positive home pregnancy test but my husband thought that I was crazy and won't let me post them. Next was the doctor's visit. Since it has been 8 years since this whole adventure I was nervous. After waiting for two hours in the office (the doctor had an emergency delivery) they finally saw me and told me that the ultrasound tech was on vacation. So no pictures of my new little addition. I was really disappointed! I did find out that I am due January 21st and my blood pressure is already high which is a BIG concern. With Cory I had major blood pressure problems and ended up on bed rest. I am hoping it was just nerves and it will pass. I am due to go back next week for the much anticipated ultrasound!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Being a mom is the best gift that any women could ever experience. I am blessed to have a wonderful son and husband. Mother's Day weekend was a little different for me this year. My mother in law and I used to attend Mother's Day teas with her friend Gale and her church. It was fun to be pampered for the day, drink tea and eat little tea sandwiches. There was live music and prayer. Unfortunately Gale passed away from stomach cancer so our plans have changed. I had planned to have Anthony's mom over on Sat for dinner and then we were going to go to my sisters house in Littleton for dinner with my mom. Unfortunately my mom had to work on Sat and decided that she did not want to go anywhere on Sun so she could recuperate. I was pretty bummed out that I was not able to see my mom but I should be able to see her this coming weekend. So I went to work making dinner for my mother in law. I decided to make stuffed shells with spinach, cheese and Italian sausage. Those were simple but yet tasty. Then I decided to make individual chocolate lava cakes. I am normally pretty good about following I got all of the ingredients out and got started. After a huge mess, a few missteps where I got ahead of the directions and a few hair pulling moments I had the finished lava cakes and if I must say so myself they turned out pretty tasty. I was going to take a picture of the finished product but my camera batteries were dead and no one wanted to wait that long before eating them. Sunday I was hoping to wake up to breakfast from my "boys" but I guess I woke up to early so they took me out instead. After lunch we went shopping with some gift cards we had. All in all it was an enjoyable weekend.

Me and the lawnmower

My husband works long hours and lots of weekends so I am pretty much in charge of taking care of the lawn. A couple weeks back it was time for our first mow. I pulled out the lawn mower, added gas and pulled the cord. Nothing happened! Thinking that I was being clever I added oil...well I added a full bottle of oil not evening considering the fact there is a fill line. I pulled the cord and still couldn't get the lawnmower to start. I called Anthony at work and asked him what could possibly be the problem. He asked if the lawnmower had oil. I said yes and explained to him how I had added oil. Needless to say that did not go over all that well since he knew right off the bat that I had overfilled the lawnmower. That weekend my father in law and Anthony attempted to repair the lawnmower. After draining the oil from the lawnmower and removing oil from the filter, engine and everywhere else the determined that it was toast. The only good thing for me was that they are both pretty sure that it was already toast before I "fixed" it. A trip to Home depot later I now have a new lawnmower that is pictured above. It works wonderfully and I have been forbidden from adding any more fluids to this machine!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Cory's New "Toy"

My grandpa loves Cory. He was the first person at the hospital when I thought I was going into labor with him. He waited with me through the night and then came back the next day. A very long story short on that.... Cory decided to flip around and be a breach baby. They were going to send me home and schedule a cesarean 3 weeks later when I was actually due. Since I was ill during my entire pregnancy my blood pressure spiked from the stress and Cory's heart rate went crazy so emergency surgery here we come! My Grandpa was back the next day excited to see Cory. They have had a special bond since that day. My grandpa decided recently that Cory needed a ATV. I am not sure what I was thinking but I was not envisioning a small version of the real thing! The only thing missing was a we let Cory go around a little bit but he has been banned from touching it since then until we can find him a helmet. Being the little daredevil that he his he decided to turn rather sharply and the ATV tipped onto his leg. He had one heck of a bruise! I don't know if I am cut out for the whole ATV hobby???

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cory's First Soccer Game

Cory, my sports kid, decided this year that he wanted to try his hand at soccer. He played once when he was 3 years old and had no interest to play again. Now I guess he does! After two really entertaining practices last week (where no on knew what they were doing) it was time for his first game. They scheduled the game at 8:30 in the morning so that was a little interesting. Cory is not a morning person and getting him up was a chore. Then getting him motivated enough to run around that early was another problem. And on top of it all since Anthony recently promoted he had to work Saturday and that did not make Cory happy that his dad missed his first game. Once we got there though he was so excited that being awake that early didn't matter anymore. Then the game started! It was complete chaos on the field and actually pretty funny! The kids were kicking the ball the wrong way and just plain cute! The poor little kids tried so hard but Cory and his team lost 5 to 0. There is always next week! I reminded him that he is just supposed to have fun out there and to my amazment he said he did have fun even though they didn't make any goals.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Detention

Yesterday was Cory's first after school detention. He is 8 years old! I was surprised to get a call last Friday from Cory in a complete panic. At first the mother part in me was thinking that he was hurt. He was crying hysterically and I could not get a straight answer out of him as to why he was calling me at work. Finally I had to ask him to put his teacher on the phone. She went on to tell me that he was being given a after school detention because he was talking during lunch. Sounds silly I know! The classes were being to loud and rowdy so they were not allowed to get up from their seats or talk during their lunch. My son being the chatter box that he is just couldn't sit still and not talk. Hopefully this will be the last detention that he gets but we will see!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Horizon Prom 2010

A couple of years back my dad got really into taking photographs (he has to have many hobbies!) After attending a few classes he decided to starting taking portraits. He has since had the opportunity to take Horizon High School's Homecoming and Prom Portraits. He has to have an assistant of course and that is me! This event I roped Anthony into coming along so that it would be more organized. So here we are at Prom! Felt kind of weird for both of us. The students looked like little kids and acted even younger. I have been out of school for 12 years and Anthony has been out of school for 20 years so it was definitly a different evening for us!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

To Catch Everyone Up!

I am new to this whole blogging thing but thought I would take a minute to catch everyone up that I have been out of touch with for awhile. I met my husband, Anthony, at work in 2001. We started out as friends and that blossomed into a relashionship over time. Anthony is my complete oposite...funny and carefree. Not too long after we started dating both of us were suprised to find out that I was pregnant. I was terrified, he was estatic. Needless to say over time the idea of being a mother became less scary and more exciting. We welcomed Cory Joseph into our family in March of 2002. After much convincing on Anthony's part (I have been told many times that I am hard to deal with at times) we decided to take the plunge and get married. Anthony and I were married in Thornton, CO on September 10, 2002. We stayed in Thornton raising our son until we decided to buy a home. We had a house built and moved to Brighton, CO (it seemed like it was out in the sticks at that time) in the summer of 2005. We hit a bumpy patch medically starting in January of 08'. First Anthony had an umbilical hernia that required surgery in Jan 08', then he had gastric lap banding in August of 08' (he has lost 123lbs! I put in a before after after picture), and finally his apendix burst in Sept 09' which required emergancy surgery. Since then we have been busy raising our son and working like everyone else. Anthony and I both still work for Lightning Ventures, Inc. Anthony is the Assistant Transportation Manager and drives a truck and I run the office at our Henderson Facility. Cory keeps us busy with sports and just being a goofy kid. I am glad that I listened to my husband and got over the fear of being a failure as a mom because Cory is the best thing that ever happend to me.